AnanoCoat is a solution that has great potential to reduce the covid-19 epidemic where it is able to prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria throughout Malaysia by using nano coating technology on the surface of objects that can last for 9-12 months. Compared to alcohol -based disinfection, which is less effective because alcohol is volatile and disinfection occurs in a short period of time only. Therefore, alcohol-based disinfection should be done regularly up to 2 times a day. By using AnanoCoat, disinfection only needs to be done once a year and this has saved a lot of cost, time and manpower. The technology has been tested in Europe and registered on OEM brands that comply with European standards regulations. In addition, our products also comply with SIRIM microbiological testing and have received the Malaysian Commercialization Year (MCY) 2017 Special KPI award from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI).